Ancient History Personal Statement Example

2 min readJan 5, 2021

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Ancient History. English language and history of the English language are my special interests. I have a particularly strong interest in ancient history and — more recently — in the history of the English language. However. the complexities of the Roman and Greek Empire caught my imagination. which enveloped me in my own thoughts for many an hour.

People ask me why I wish to study Ancient History. Surely it has no relevance to today’s world? Absolutely not! It is difficult doing justice to the incredible achievements of the greats of the Ancient World such as Pyrrhus. Hannibal. Alexander the Great. Augustus and Caesar. It is not only the characters that interest me but the entire backdrop against which their achievements took place.

Ancient History Personal Statement 1. Modern society can learn a lot from ancient civilizations as. despite the gap of numerous centuries. there are many parallels between now and then. Even with the vast changes in science. technology and politics. the underlying human nature and our yearning for a hierarchy within society. whether democratic or autocratic. never changes. It is through . . .

I have a strong interest in history and the past. which began in early childhood. More particularly. my earliest interests were in mediaeval English history. My enjoyment of archaeology began with programmes such as Time Team. and similar documentary series. which showed me how exciting the task of uncovering the past and its secrets could be.

Ancient/Medieval History personal statement My decision to study Medieval History at a higher level was never a difficult one. Having always been interested about the relationship between the past and the present. studying History at AS-Level only strengthened my decision.

This personal statement shows an excellent knowledge of ancient history and the multi-disciplinary approach to it. Interests outside of ancient history and classics is kept to a minimum. while still commenting on it. Furthermore. the statement doesn’t contain unnecessary words or phrases and manages to. on the whole. avoid clichés and name dropping. instead expanding on each idea.

Ancient History & Egyptology Personal Statement For me. History has always been a forerunner when it comes to choosing a degree at university. From an early age I have always enjoyed learning about the past and how some key events like the Battle of Britain and 9/11. have shaped our future.




Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof